Cipriani, Panettone in Metal Tin 蛋糕 (金屬罐裝) 1kg


A soft and consistent dough, enhanced at the end of cooking with a golden crust. Handmade with natural ingredients, it is characterized by the absence of candied fruit and a clean taste. Flour, butter, eggs, sultanas and natural yeast make it a special cake.

柔軟而一致的麵團,在烹飪結束時帶有金黃色的外皮。 以天然原料手工製作,特色是沒有蜜餞,味道乾淨。 麵粉、奶油、雞蛋、葡萄乾和天然酵母使其成為一種特殊的蛋糕。

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To enjoy panettone Cipriani at its best we recommend to leave it inside the bag until just before eating it and to serve it at room temperature. Inside the packaging there is a leaflet with recipes for the sweet sauces with which we serve it in Cipriani restaurants. Thanks to the artisanal manufacturing process it lasts 6 months without the addition of preservatives.

This panettone differs from having simple ingredients and being the result of a careful selection of products of the highest quality, chosen through meticulous studies and pannel degugations of quality control, thus guaranteeing the rigorous organoleptic characteristics of the Harr’ys Bar panettone.

Only fresh eggs from hens raised outdoors in a “cruelty-free” farm in our area are used. The honey used is produced by a small producer in the Berici Hills. Only fresh milk is used, delivered daily by a local dairy. There are no artificial flavors but only vanilla beans and Australian raisins of amber color and a thin skin to melt-in-your-mouth, crunchy and fragrant “Prima Bari” almonds and Italian honey.

為了更好地享受意大利節慶 Cipriani 糕點,建議將其放在袋子裡直到食用前,並在室溫下食用。包裝內有一張傳單,其中載有Cipriani 餐廳提供的甜醬料配方。由於採用手工製造工藝,在不添加防腐劑的情況下,其保存期限可達 6 個月。

這家的節日糕點不同於簡單的成分,而是精心挑選最高品質的產品的結果,這些產品是通過我們的質量控制的細緻研究和麵板調試而選擇的,從而保證了Harr’ys Bar 節日糕點嚴格的感官特徵。

僅使用來自我們地區“無殘忍”農場戶外飼養的母雞的新鮮雞蛋。使用的蜂蜜是由貝里奇山的一家小生產者生產的。僅使用當地乳品廠每天提供的新鮮牛奶。沒有任何人工香料,只有琥珀色的香草豆和澳洲葡萄乾,薄薄的皮入口即化,鬆脆芬芳的「Prima Bari」杏仁和義大利蜂蜜。

Weight 1 kg
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