Terre Bormane, Rubino, Red Wine Vinegar 紅酒醋 500ml


This vinegar is made from selected wines produced by small wine growing estates in Piedmont. The acidication process is completed in small oak barrels in which the vinegar continues its maturation for at least one year. Aging in wooden casks gives the product its amber colour and considerably improves its organoleptic qualities, as the vinegar absorbs tannins from the wood. A few drops are enough to enjoy its strong and balanced aroma.
這紅酒醋是由皮埃蒙特小型葡萄酒莊園生產,以精選葡萄酒製成。 其酸化過程是在小橡木桶中完成的,且經過一年發酵。 在木酒桶的陳釀過程中,令紅酒醋有琥珀色,並大大提升了其感官品質。紅酒醋吸收了木材中的單寧酸,單單幾滴,足以令人享受其強烈而平衡的香氣。
Weight: 500ml

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SKU: TBRRW500ML Category: Tags: , , , , ,
Weight 0.5 kg
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